Analytical Figure Drawing online COURSE (SPRING 2025)
Instructor: Kirk Shinmoto
COST: $780 Spring Sale $700
Course length: 12 Weeks
Tuesdays 7:30pm - 10:30pm PST. March 18th - June 3rd
**For cancellations, the deadline for a full refund is 5 days before class starts. After this there will only be a 50% refund. No refunds will be given once class beings. Please be aware that by signing up you are reserving a spot in the class that cannot be taken by someone else.**
About the Class: This is an intensive course designed to solidify your understanding of the gesture, form, and anatomy of the human figure. Beyond just memorizing anatomical diagrams, we will focus on the structure and function of the anatomy to better understand how it can be used as a design element. Each week we will go over different drawing concepts or parts of the body and focus on understanding how to organize and design the various complexities of the human form.
Course level: Recommended for intermediate students. Some drawing experience is recommended but not required.
Class Format: This course will run for 12 weeks and will be taught through a combination of pre-recorded lectures and live critiques through Discord. Each week students will be given access to class lectures and we will then have a live, group critique session the following week to go over homework. We will also have a short live meeting the first week to go over class materials and to answer any additional questions students may have. All lectures and critique recordings will be made available for students to download and review. Class will be limited to 10 students.
Homework: There will be homework assigned every week based on the lecture material. Estimated Weekly workload is around 5-8 hours.
Materials: This course will primarily be taught with traditional medium but some demos or critiques will be done digitally. For students traditional medium is encouraged but not required. Photoshop or Procreate are ok too! A supply list for materials along with recommended books will be emailed.
Weekly breakdown
Week 1 - Gesture breakdown w/ basic forms
Understanding how to identify the overall gesture of the figure in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional space.
Week 2 - Structure & proportions - Ribs & Pelvis
The underlying skeletal structure of the figure and how to identify it using landmarks.
Week 3 - Anatomy - Basic Head, neck, shoulders breakdown
A basic lay-in for heads and how it connects to the shoulders.
Week 4 - Anatomy- Upper torso & Shoulders
The mechanics and forms of the upper torso and shoulders.
Week 5 - Anatomy- Lower Torso and Hips
The mechanics and forms of the lower torso and hips
Week 6 - Rendering, light and shadow, basic forms
The basics of light and shadow and some basic rendering techniques. How to communicate the volume of forms.
Week 7 - Anatomy - Upper Leg & Knees
The mechanics and forms of the upper legs and knees.
Week 8 - Anatomy - Lower Leg and Feet
The mechanics and forms of the lower leg and feet.
Week 9 - Anatomy - Upper Arms
The mechanics and forms of the upper arms and its relationship to the shoulders
Week 10 - Anatomy - Lower Arms
The mechanics and forms of the lower arms.
Week 11 - Anatomy - Hands
Basic breakdown of the hands and strategies for drawing and simplification.
Week 12 - Head Drawing
Final Critique and bonus lecture on head structure.